Monday, December 10, 2018

Reaction Paper 3

Toni  Gully
Professor Keener
Reaction Paper 3

            The Faculty art exhibit was very interesting, I was most excited to see work my professors have done because there is never enough time to really show work in class, I was pleasantly surprised by the large variety of different types of art.  It was also very interesting to see the similarities and differences between the faculty art exhibition and the alumni art exhibition.
A few of my favorite works were the developer abstractions done by Professor Cry , I like this project because it is similar to his developer trays where they are so drastically different despite being the same thing. I also was very intrigued by the painting of the boy leaning on the canon (I didn’t write the artists name down unfortunately).
This exhibition was very informative because it gave an example of what you could price your work in the future, it was also very fun!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Toni Gully
Reaction Paper
Dante Crisafulla
The visitation of Suffolk County Community Colleges alum Dante Crisafulla was very interesting and informative. He talked about how he originally was introduced to photograph by his grandfather who shot officers and in the navy. Like myself, and many other people who live on long island he shot abandoned building such as Kings park Psychiatric center.
Dante also talked about his job out of high school in financing and how dissatisfied he was doing that which is what pushed him into going to school for photography, this stuck out to me because it stressed the fact that you could start your photography career at anytime. Dante also talked about how getting into video completely changed the game and opened up a ton of new doors.
Dante’s work is very powerful, especially the Right to Dream videos showing 2 soccer players from Africa Francis and Fati and their journey.